Software Atelier 3 - Web 2.0 Technologies

2013 (Fall Semester)

The ultimate goal of the Software Atelier is to teach the student to become a computing professional. To this end, the atelier gives an introduction to the role of computing and computer scientists in the professional world as well as society in general and provides an environment for the students to learn about and use specific software tools, work with other students in group projects, and effectively present the results of their projects to the class. The emphasis in the third semester is on client/server Web 1.0 and 2.0 technologies. SA III will cover the following Web technologies: REST and HTTP, CSS3, HTML5, JSON; students will also learn how to program in JavaScript on the client and on the server-side with Node.JS.


To learn the principles of the computer science profession;
To learn to use the fundamental software tools and the principles behind those tools;
To learn to use the following classes of tools: web browsers, web servers, web page editors, wikis, web development environments;
To learn to structure and present ideas, documents and processes.

Teaching mode

The atelier is "open" every afternoon, Monday through Friday, from 13:30 to 17:30. Attendance is mandatory 13:30-15:30. Usually, there will be one or two lectures per week during this period. Projects will be assigned to be worked on in the atelier. Assistants will be available to review and help the students. The last part of the semester will involve a group programming project building a Web 2.0 mashup.


Software Atélier II and Programming Fundamentals I and II

Date Lecture Material
20.9.2013 Introduction
17.9.2013 HTTP The hypertext transfer protocol: the foundation of the Web
20.9.2013 HTML5 The hypertext markup language: the representation format of Web content
23.9.2013 CSS3 Cascading style sheets: the declarative formatting language of the Web
1.10.2013 JavaScript Introduction to JavaScript. Functional JavaScript. Scripting the Web browser
10.10.2013 JavaScript and HTML5 Object-Oriented JavaScript. JSON. Dynamic HTML. Some HTML5 JavaScript APIs
22.10.2013 REST REST and how to design Web applications
22.10.2013 Node.JS Server-side JavaScript with Node.JS
31.10.2013 Express.JS MVC Frameworks. Express.JS. Very short introductions to Databases and MongoDB
11.11.2013 AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript and JSON, Using XMLHTTPRequest and WebSockets
Programming the World Wide Web (3rd Edition) by Robert W. Sebesta, Addison-Wesley, 2005, ISBN 0321303326.