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Filters: Keyword is Web services and Author is Cesare Pautasso  [Clear All Filters]
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Pautasso, C., "RESTful Web Services: Principles, Patterns and Emerging Technologies", Web Services Foundations: Springer, pp. 31-51, 2013.  (713.33 KB)
Pautasso, C., O. Zimmermann, and F. Leymann, "RESTful Web Services vs. Big Web Services: Making the Right Architectural Decision", 17th World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2008), Beijing, China, ACM, pp. 805-814, April, 2008.  (123.94 KB) (2.82 MB)
Pautasso, C., and G. Alonso, "Visual composition of Web services", IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments (HCC 2003), Auckland, New Zealand, IEEE, pp. 92 - 99, October, 2003.  (407.79 KB)
Pautasso, C., and G. Alonso, "From Web Service Composition to Megaprogramming", 5th VLDB Workshop on Technologies for E-Services (TES-04), vol. 3324, Toronto, Canada, Springer, pp. 39 - 53, August, 2004.  (178.94 KB)
Pautasso, C., and G. Alonso, "The JOpera visual composition language", J. Vis. Lang. Comput., vol. 16, pp. 119–152, February, 2005.
Emerging Web Services Technology, vol. 1: Birkhäuser, pp. 182, 2007.