Transparent Transaction Ordering in Blockchain-based Collaborative Processes

TitleTransparent Transaction Ordering in Blockchain-based Collaborative Processes
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsAtwi, H., T. Lichtenstein, C. Pautasso, and M. Weske
Conference Name22nd International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2024) - Blockchain Forum
Conference LocationKrakow, Poland
KeywordsBlock selection, blockchain, choreography, Transaction ordering, Transparency

Blockchain technology offers a promising solution for overcoming trust-related challenges, such as transparency in interorganizational collaborative processes. However, since the ordering of transactions in a block can affect the outcome of a process instance, fairness and transparency concerns regarding block selection may arise. This paper presents a consensus-agnostic approach to promote transparency in transaction ordering in blockchain-based business processes. The approach allows participants to align the execution order of their transactions with their business objectives, effectively mitigating the lack of transparency associated with the arbitrary selection and ordering of transactions during block selection. Our experiments reveal that the increased transparency mitigates the risks of suppression and displacement attacks at the cost of introducing additional latency and cost.

Citation Key2024:fc2mc:bpm
Refereed DesignationRefereed