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Filters: Author is Ana Ivanchikj and Keyword is REST  [Clear All Filters]
Pautasso, C., A. Ivanchikj, and S. Schreier, "Modeling RESTful Conversations with extended BPMN Choreography diagrams", 9th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2015), Dubrovnik, Croatia, Springer, September, 2015.  (371.93 KB)
Gamez-Diaz, A., P. Fernandez, C. Pautasso, A. Ivanchikj, and A. Ruiz-Cortes, "ELeCTRA: induced usage limitations calculation in RESTful APIs", 16th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2018), Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, Springer, November, 2018.
Ivanchikj, A., "RESTalk: A Visual and Textual DSL for Modelling RESTful Conversations", Software Institute, Faculty of Informatics, Lugano, USI, January, 2021.  (10.83 MB)