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Conference Paper
Pautasso, C., A. Ivanchikj, and S. Schreier, "Modeling RESTful Conversations with extended BPMN Choreography diagrams", 9th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2015), Dubrovnik, Croatia, Springer, September, 2015.  (371.93 KB)
Pautasso, C., A. Ivanchikj, and S. Schreier, "A Pattern Language for RESTful Conversations", Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP), Kloster Irsee, Germany, ACM, pp. 4:1–4:22, July, 2016.  (363.97 KB)
Journal Article
Ivanchikj, A., C. Pautasso, and S. Schreier, "Visual modeling of RESTful conversations with RESTalk", Journal of Software & Systems Modeling, vol. 17, issue 3, pp. 1031-1051, July, 2018.  (1.41 MB)