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Filters: Keyword is Workflow Management Systems  [Clear All Filters]
Workshop Paper
Lenhard, J., V. Ferme, S. Harrer, M. Geiger, and C. Pautasso, "Lessons Learned from Evaluating Workflow Management Systems", 13th International Workshop on Engineering Service-Oriented Applications and Cloud Services (WESOACS), Malaga, Spain, Springer, November, 2017.  (343.63 KB)
Ferme, V., J. Lenhard, S. Harrer, M. Geiger, and C. Pautasso, "Workflow Management Systems Benchmarking: Unfulfilled Expectations and Lessons Learned", 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2017), Buenos Aires, Argentina, May, 2017.  (1.29 MB) (107.02 KB)
Conference Proceedings
Ferme, V., M. Skouradaki, A. Ivanchikj, C. Pautasso, and F. Leymann, "Performance Comparison Between BPMN 2.0 Workflow Management Systems Versions", 18th Working Conference on Business Process Modeling, Development, and Support (BPMDS 2017), Essen, Germany, Springer, June, 2017.
Pautasso, C., "Decentralized Task Execution Patterns", 10th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, People, and Practices (AsianPLoP 2024), Fujisawa City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, March, 2024.
Conference Paper
Skouradaki, M., V. Ferme, C. Pautasso, F. Leymann, and A. van Hoorn, "Micro-Benchmarking BPMN 2.0 Workflow Management Systems with Workflow Patterns", Proc. of the 28th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAISE), Ljubljana, Slovenia, Springer, pp. 67--82, June, 2016.  (485.66 KB)