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Workshop Paper
Pardon, G., and C. Pautasso, "Atomic Distributed Transactions: a RESTful Design", 5th International Workshop on Web APIs and RESTful Design, Seoul, Korea, ACM, April, 2014.  (335.05 KB)
Journal Article
Pardon, G., C. Pautasso, and O. Zimmermann, "Consistent Disaster Recovery for Microservices: the BAC Theorem", IEEE Cloud Computing, vol. 5, issue 1, pp. 49-59, January/February, 2018.  (2.79 MB)
Book Chapter
Pardon, G., and C. Pautasso, "Towards Distributed Atomic Transactions over RESTful Services", REST: From Research to Practice: Springer, pp. 507-524, 2011.  (372.94 KB)