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"A Self-Configuring Service Composition Engine", Autonomic Computing: Concepts, Infrastructure, and Applications: CRC Press, pp. 237-252, 2006.
, "swissPIT: a novel approach for pipelined analysis of mass spectrometry data", Bioinformatics, vol. 24, issue 11, no. 11, pp. 1416-1417, 2008.
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"Second international workshop on RESTful design (WS-REST 2011)", WWW (Companion Volume), Hyderabad, India, ACM, pp. 311-312, March, 2011.
, "S: a scripting language for high-performance RESTful web services", 17th ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP 2012), New Orleans, USA, ACM, pp. 97–106, February, 2012.
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"Software Architecture Warehouse: live and collaborative architectural decision making", Joint 10th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture & 6th European Conference on Software Architecture, Helsinki, Finland, 2012.
, "Specification patterns from research to industry: A case study in service-based applications", Proc. of the 34th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE2012), SeIP track, Zurich, Switzerland, pp. 968-976, June, 2012.
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"SOA with REST - Principles, Patterns and Constraints for Building Enterprise Solutions with REST", The Prentice Hall service technology series: Prentice Hall, pp. I-XXXII, 1-577, 2013.
, "The Stream Software Connector Design Space: Frameworks and Languages for Distributed Stream Processing", 11th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA 2014), Sydney, Australia, April, 2014.
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"Seeking Your Insights", IEEE Software, vol. 32, issue 2, pp. 7--9, March-April, 2015.
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"Short Texts Analysis for Teacher Assistance during Live Interactive Classroom Presentations", World Symposium on Digital Intelligence for Systems and Machines (DISA2018), Košice, Slovakia, IEEE, August, 2018.
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"SAW-Q: a dynamic composition approach of REST services based on queue model", International Journal of Web and Grid Services, vol. 15, issue 1, pp. 29 - 58, January, 2019.
, "Sketching Process Models by Mining Participant Stories", BPM Forum, Vienna, Austria, Springer, pp. 3-19, September, 2019.
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Software Architecture: visual lecture notes: LeanPub, 2020.