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"Team Situational Awareness and Architectural Decision Making with the Software Architecture Warehouse", 7th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2013), Montpellier, France, Springer, pp. 146-161, July, 2013.
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"Software Architecture Warehouse: live and collaborative architectural decision making", Joint 10th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture & 6th European Conference on Software Architecture, Helsinki, Finland, 2012.
, "Reusable decision space for mashup tool design", 4th ACM SIGCHI symposium on Engineering interactive computing systems (EICS 2012), Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 211-220, June, 2012.
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"Research challenges on service technology foundations", ICSE Workshop on European Software Services and Systems Research - Results and Challenges (S-Cube), pp. 27-33, June, 2012.
, "Goals, questions and metrics for architectural decision models", 6th International Workshop on SHAring and Reusing Architectural Knowledge (SHARK 2011), Waikiki, Hawaii, USA, ACM, pp. 21–28, May, 2011.
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"From Choreography Diagrams to RESTful Interactions", 11th International Workshop on Engineering Service-Oriented Applications (WESOA'15), Goa, India, Springer, November, 2015.
, "Collaborative software architecture decisions: structure and dynamics", USI Faculty of Informatics, Lugano, Switzerland, USI, September, 2014.
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"Architectural decision modeling with reuse", ICSE Workshop on Sharing and Reusing Architectural Knowledge (SHARK 2010), Cape Town, South Africa, ACM, pp. 13 - 20, May, 2010.
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