"Technical Open Challenges on Benchmarking Workflow Management Systems", Symposium on Software Performance, Stuttgart, Germany, pp. 105-112, November, 2014.
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""BPELanon": Protect Business Processes on the Cloud", 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Service Science (CLOSER 2015), Lisbon, Portugal, SciTePress, pp. 241-250, May, 2015.
, "BPMeter: Web Service and Application for Static Analysis of BPMN 2.0 Collections", 13th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2015), Innsbruck, Austria, Springer, pp. 30-34, August, 2015.
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"A Framework for Benchmarking BPMN 2.0 Workflow Management Systems", 13th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2015), Innsbruck, Austria, Springer, August, 2015.
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"On the Road to Benchmarking BPMN 2.0 Workflow Engines", 6th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering, Austin, TX, USA, IEEE, January, 2015.
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"Towards Workflow Benchmarking: Open Research Challenges", 16. Fachtagung Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW), Hamburg, Germany, Gesellschaft für Informatik, pp. 331-350, March, 2015.
, "A Container-centric Methodology for Benchmarking Workflow Management Systems", 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Service Science (CLOSER 2016), Rome, Italy, SciTePress, pp. 74-84, April, 2016.
, "Estimating the Cost for Executing Business Processes in the Cloud", BPM Forum, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Springer, pp. 72--88, September, 2016.
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"Integrating Faban with Docker for Performance Benchmarking", 7th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering, Delft, The Netherlands, ACM, pp. 129-130, March, 2016.
, "Micro-Benchmarking BPMN 2.0 Workflow Management Systems with Workflow Patterns", Proc. of the 28th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAISE), Ljubljana, Slovenia, Springer, pp. 67--82, June, 2016.
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"Lessons Learned from Evaluating Workflow Management Systems", 13th International Workshop on Engineering Service-Oriented Applications and Cloud Services (WESOACS), Malaga, Spain, Springer, November, 2017.
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"A Pattern Language for Workflow Engine Conformance and Performance Benchmarking", 22nd European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP), Kloster Irsee, Germany, ACM, July, 2017.
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"Performance Comparison Between BPMN 2.0 Workflow Management Systems Versions", 18th Working Conference on Business Process Modeling, Development, and Support (BPMDS 2017), Essen, Germany, Springer, June, 2017.
, "On the Performance Overhead of BPMN Modeling Practices", 15th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM2017), Barcelona, Spain, Springer, pp. 216--232, September, 2017.
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"Towards Holistic Continuous Software Performance Assessment", 3rd International Workshop on Quality-aware DevOps (QUDOS 2017), L'Aquila, Italy, ACM, pp. 159-164, April, 2017.
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"Workflow Management Systems Benchmarking: Unfulfilled Expectations and Lessons Learned", 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2017), Buenos Aires, Argentina, May, 2017.
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"A Declarative Approach for Performance Tests Execution in Continuous Software Development Environments", 9th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE 2018), Berlin, Germany, ACM, April, 2018.
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"Evaluating Multi-Tenant Live Migrations Effects on Performance", 26th International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS), Valletta, Malta, October, 2018.
, "Behavior-driven Load Testing Using Contextual Knowledge — Approach and Experiences", 10th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE 2019), Mumbai, India, ACM/SPEC, pp. 265-272, April, 2019.
, "Declarative Performance Testing Automation: Automating Performance Testing for the DevOps Era", Software Institute, Faculty of Informatics, Lugano, USI, January, 2021.
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