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Filters: Author is Tommi Mikkonen and Keyword is liquid software [Clear All Filters]
"LiquidAI: Towards an Isomorphic AI/ML System Architecture for the Cloud-Edge Continuum", 23rd International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE), Alicante, Spain, Springer, June, 2023.
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"WebAssembly Modules as Lightweight Containers for Liquid IoT Applications", 21st International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE2021), Biarritz, France, Springer, May, 2021.
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"Architecting Liquid Software", Journal of Web Engineering, vol. 16, issue 5&6, pp. 433-470, September, 2017.
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"On the Architecture of Liquid Software: Technology Alternatives and Design Space", 13th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA 2016), Venice, Italy, April, 2016.
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"Towards Liquid Web Applications", 15th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2015), Rotterdam, NL, Springer, pp. 134-143, June, 2015.
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