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Binder, W., D. Bonetta, C. Pautasso, A. Peternier, D. Milano, H. Schuldt, N. Stojnic, B. Faltings, and I. Trummer, "Towards Self-Organizing Service-Oriented Architectures", Fifth International Workshop on Software Engineering for Adaptive Service-oriented Systems (SEASS’11), Washington, DC, USA, IEEE, pp. 115-121, July, 2011.  (96.93 KB)
Pautasso, C., D. Roller, F. Leymann, V. Ferme, and M. Skouradaki, "Towards Workflow Benchmarking: Open Research Challenges", 16. Fachtagung Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW), Hamburg, Germany, Gesellschaft für Informatik, pp. 331-350, March, 2015.
Atwi, H., T. Lichtenstein, C. Pautasso, and M. Weske, "Transparent Transaction Ordering in Blockchain-based Collaborative Processes", 22nd International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2024) - Blockchain Forum, Krakow, Poland, Springer, September, 2024.  (746.49 KB)
Pautasso, C., and G. Alonso, "Visual composition of Web services", IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments (HCC 2003), Auckland, New Zealand, IEEE, pp. 92 - 99, October, 2003.  (407.79 KB)
Ivanchikj, A., C. Pautasso, and S. Schreier, "Visual modeling of RESTful conversations with RESTalk", Journal of Software & Systems Modeling, vol. 17, issue 3, pp. 1031-1051, July, 2018.  (1.41 MB)
Serbout, S., F. Di Lauro, and C. Pautasso, "Web APIs Structures and Data Models Analysis", 19th IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2022), Honululu, Hawaii, IEEE, March, 2022.  (1.81 MB)
Pautasso, C., and O. Zimmermann, "The Web as a Software Connector: Integration Resting on Linked Resources", IEEE Software, vol. 35, issue 1, pp. 93 - 98, January/February, 2018.  (368.35 KB)
Bozzon, A., P. Cudré-Mauroux, and C. Pautasso, "Web Engineering", 16th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2016), vol. 9671, Lugano, Switzerland, Springer, pp. XXVI, 626, June, 2016.
Casteleyn, S., P. Dolog, and C. Pautasso, "Web Engineering Workshops", 16th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2016), vol. 9881, Lugano, Switzerland, Springer, pp. 209, June, 2016.
Mikkonen, T., C. Pautasso, K. Systa, and A. Taivalsaari, "On the Web Platform Cornucopia", 19th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2019), Daejeon, Korea, Springer, pp. 347-355, June, 2019.
Taivalsaari, A., T. Mikkonen, K. Systa, and C. Pautasso, "Web User Interface Implementation Technologies: An Underview", 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2018), Seville, Spain, pp. 127-136, September, 2018.  (134.45 KB)
Mäkitalo, N., T. Mikkonen, C. Pautasso, V. Bankowski, P. Daubaris, R. Mikkola, and O. Beletski, "WebAssembly Modules as Lightweight Containers for Liquid IoT Applications", 21st International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE2021), Biarritz, France, Springer, May, 2021.  (3.61 MB)
Pautasso, C., and E. Wilde, "Why is the Web Loosely Coupled? A Multi-Faceted Metric for Service Design", 18th World Wide Web Conference (WWW2009), Madrid, Spain, ACM, pp. 911-920, April, 2009.  (267.68 KB)
Ferme, V., J. Lenhard, S. Harrer, M. Geiger, and C. Pautasso, "Workflow Management Systems Benchmarking: Unfulfilled Expectations and Lessons Learned", 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2017), Buenos Aires, Argentina, May, 2017.  (1.29 MB) (107.02 KB)
